Saturday, December 23, 2006

Seattle Christmas

The Night Before

'Twas the night before Christmas up in the Northwest,
And the folks in Seattle were feeling their best.

Some last- minute shoppers were paying their fare
To jump on the monorail to Pioneer Square.

Kids urging their parents, saying, "Hurry, be quick,
Or we'll miss that great Christmas Parade of the Ships."

We must hang our stockings, and Nicks cookies must bake;
Please, let's get going or he'll have none to take."

So mamas and papas, finished up what they'd started,
And soon left behind a forlorn Pike Place Market.

This was, after all, a most heavenly season
And they'd let their kids have what they wanted -- within reason!

Most people's hearts were light as a feather,
And not many were giving much thought to the weather.

There had been a light rain for most part of the day
And now snow was blowing across Elliot Bay.

The snowflakes got bigger as the storm spread inland,
And couples snuggled close as they walked hand in hand.

Dads teased their youngsters with, "Oh, dear, no!
Maybe Santa got stuck and his reindeer won't go!"

Now as we all know, nothing stops old St. Nick,
And the routes that he travels are most carefully picked.

As he headed up north and flew over Rainier,
He saw beautiful lights of Seattle appear!

The reindeer were cruising just as fast as they could,
Their most favorite folks lived in this neck of the woods!

Then all of a sudden visibility was gone,
And the number of miles Santa saw ahead: None!

Where were the Kingdome and Discovery Park?
He stared and he squinted, but things were so dark.

To Dasher and Dancer he yelled out, "Whoa!"
But before they had time to begin to go slow

Something strange had appeared right there in their path,
And if Nick's hands had not been so full he might laugh.

The last thing he remembered, he'd flown by a seagull
And now here he was, stuck atop the Space Needle!

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